突发:公安指挥法院强抢伟华家人| 是否需要离婚保护家人?|习近平王小洪听好了|与中共决裂!|你们的末日近了!|习近平、王小洪,你们听好了!我是杜文,你们的眼中钉、肉中刺!有本事冲我来,朝无辜者下手算什么本事?!你们的行径卑鄙无耻、下作龌龊,简直让人作呕!你们还是人吗?!今天,我要向大家曝光一起赤裸裸的政治迫害案件!这不是普通的司法执行,而是习近平和王小洪亲自下令,操控公安、指挥法院,对我亲属进行的报复行动!今天的节目有些特别。给大家报个大瓜。首先请求朋友们在观看本视频时不要紧张、害怕。视频是呼市中级法院执行局副局长孙浩,根据公安要求,上门查封伟华哥哥家房产的现场监控视频。如今我大舅哥吓坏了,急眼了,昨天整整骂了伟华一天,伟华骂了我一天。现在他们兄妹要断绝关系,伟华要闹着和我离婚。这跟我没关系也就变成有关系了。难道真的要跟伟华离婚吗?难道真的要让他们兄妹断绝关系吗?共产党如此这般,大家如何看待呢?下面这段视频,是昨天中国内蒙古呼和浩特的第一现场监控画面!视频一刀未剪,大家请看! Breaking News: Public Security Directs Court to Seize Wei Hua’s Family | Should Divorce Be Considered to Protect the Family? | Xi Jinping and Wang Xiaohong, Listen Up | Breaking Ties with the CCP! | Your End Is Near! Xi Jinping, Wang Xiaohong, listen up! I am Du Wen, the thorn in your side, the pain in your flesh! If you have the guts, come at me—what kind of cowardice is it to target innocent people?! Your actions are despicable, shameless, vile, and disgusting! Are you even human?! Today, I am exposing a blatant case of political persecution! This is not an ordinary judicial enforcement—it is a retaliatory action personally ordered by Xi Jinping and Wang Xiaohong, manipulating public security forces and directing the court against my family members! Today’s program is special. I have some major news for everyone. First, I ask my friends watching this video not to be nervous or afraid. The footage comes from surveillance at the scene, showing Sun Hao, Deputy Director of the Enforcement Bureau of the Hohhot Intermediate Court, acting under orders from public security forces, arriving to seal off the property of Wei Hua’s elder brother. Now my brother-in-law is terrified and furious. Yesterday, he spent the entire day berating Wei Hua, and Wei Hua spent the entire day berating me. Now, the siblings are on the verge of severing ties, and Wei Hua is demanding a divorce. What was once unrelated to me has now become my problem. Do I really have to divorce Wei Hua? Do they really have to cut ties as siblings? How should we view the Communist Party’s actions? The following video is unedited footage from yesterday’s live scene in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China! Watch closely, everyone!