最近发现 GPT-4 的话,如果只是为了格式化JSON,用不着Function Calling,一个最简单有效的办法就是用TypeScript的类型声明,还可以配合注释,比如这是我用的一个Prompt,在GPT-4下可以稳定的输出指定的 JSON 格式:
Your output should resemble a VALID JSON Object with the type TranslatedResult as illustrated below:
type TranslatedResult = {
// The comprehensive translated content from step 1
fullTranslatedContent: string;
// All individual translated sentences.
translatedSentences: Array<{
// A distinct translated sentence.
translated: string;
// Related input items, 1 translated sentence
corresponds to 1 or more input items
related: Array<{
// The timestamp of the input item
timestamp: number;
// The initial word of the related input item.
firstWord: string;