1. What is a movie?
2. Does it have to be shown in theaters?
3. Are those shown on television or stream media also movies?
4. How do you define popular?
5. How to quantify popularity of a movie, provided it must be shown in theaters?
6. How do you get accurate box office data in China?
7. Do you believe in any data from China or even about China?
8. Do you use Zhihu?
9. Do you use Douban?
10. How do you rate an animated “movie”?
11. Do you check Zhihu or Douban before choosing which movie to watch?
12. Legally speaking, all foreign art works, movies included, must be censored by the PRC Movie Admin Bureau before hitting any screens in China, big or small. How does censorship affect popularity in your opinion?
13. Your questions are full of prejudice against China and so-called arrogance from nowhere, which is totally unacceptable to me.
14. Have you ever been to China?
15. Did you know that China has gone from being penniless to helping 600 million people out of poverty?
16. Did you know that China is the second largest economy in the world at $8,000 per capita in GDP?
17. Did you know that China has included the protection of human rights in its constitution?
18. Who the fuck are you to test me?