It has long been suggested by dishonest academic and racists that black Africans are native only to regions below the Sahara. Sub-Saharan Africa is a political tool used by colonial powers to erase the black presence in North Africa. This however is a modern invention of colonial scholars who effectively separated ancient Egypt and North Africa from the rest of Africa by using race.
Sub-Saharan is a modern racist trope created in the early 20th Century by racist academics used to relegate black Africans to regions below the Sahara. It has no relevance in reality and especially in times of Antiquity as so called "Sub Saharan" Africans are indigenous to the entire continent of Africa, including North Africa and the Sahara. Take a look at this short clip to dispel any misconceptions you may have.
The Whitewashing of ancient North Africa:
In times of antiquity back to Africa migrations brought small populations of asiatics to the Delta region who settled along the coastlines of North Africa. These migrations began around 7000 BC and these Asiatics were met by native Black Africans whom inhabited North Africa since time immemorial who were the vast majority at the time in North Africa.
The earliest cattle iconography as well as the anthropomorphism of deities such as the cows head and women's body representing Het-Heru also has origins in the Green Sahara centuries before it showed up in Kemet. Archaeologist will point to some natural occurring mummy in Morocco as evidence that Lower Ethiopia as it was known by the Greeks was somehow dominated by an Eurasian phenotype. However if you look at the populations that inhabited the interior, the Sail regions and ancient Saharan Great Lakes and river systems you will see these were black Africans living in their natural tropical environment prior to the desertification of the Sahara.
Two of the main groups inhabiting the region were the Kiffians and the Tenerians. Now the Kiffians are what scientist in those days desribe as typical Negores. There narrow definition of typical Negroes is the Bantu phenotype which dominates the Eurasian mind. There twisted ideologies on race such as the Hametic theory shows how they attempt to alter eviecne to suggest Eurasian identity in early Africa or at the very least cause some doubt that they were true Africans. The Tenerians on the other hand seem to puzzle some historians because they are not the same as the "Typical Negro" so they weakly attribute this group as Eurasian. But using the same diluted language as they used when describing the ancient Sumerians as non-Semetic, non-IndoEuropeans people. Very racially ambiguous on purpose. Anyway I digress. The Africans from the Green Sahara have been migrating to the Napta Playa region and the Nile Valley since time immemorial. The connections between the cultures in the Sael regions, Green Sahara, Napta Playa Stone Circle, Nubia and Kemet are overwhelming. The Anthropological evidence at Napta Playa also shows these were Africans. Then we get to Qustul, Napata, Swennet, Waset. These regions are the seat of Pharoanic Kingship.
Herodotus visited the Libyan east coast around 450 BC and, in his book, The Histories, described the Toubou as Ethiopian or Abyssinian. The historian located them from what is now Fezzan in Libya through Chad to Niger and into Sudan and Central Africa. The Sultan of the Toubo tribe, Zulai Mina Saleh, said: “We are the people of Africa. We are all black, but our features are different. Our faces, noses, teeth and language also differ.”
Ancient historical data and recent scientific evidence assert that the Toubou were among the first to settle in the Green Sahara prior to its desertification. At this time the Sahara was a lush tropical region which produced a people with tropical features not unlike those of Nilotic Africa. #Africa