“I really appreciate you taking the time to discuss with me. Roberts’ discussion about stereotyping is very valuable to think about......However, I disagree with how he frames the issue of “societal discrimination.” In his opinion, he uses the term “past societal discrimination” and “effects of societal discrimination” interchangeably, whereas I believe the two ideas are very different. To me, the first term conveys a sense of retribution for past harm whereas the second one can be seen as preventive measures against current harm. For example, Roberts uses cases law to describe instances where we “cannot justify a (racial) classification that imposes disadvantages upon persons…who bear no responsibility for whatever harm the beneficiaries of the [race-based] admissions program are thought to have suffered.” Without an objective standard, will admissions boards have accountability to counter ongoing societal inequalities? More specifically, will admissions boards continue to be motivated to overcome present day societal discriminations such as individual, unconscious bias or the disproportionate distribution of educational opportunities for communities of color? Just things I think about. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.”
一个普通年轻人,热心社会公正,阅读思考如此认真,让人刮目相看。 正是这些不起眼的日常,让人在芜杂的政治乱象中对这个国家的未来抱有希望,也让人对平日不善言辞的普通人怀有敬意。