更新声明 “大声” 的推特账户@dashengmedia 从黑客手里抢回来了。X support也帮忙恢复了被黑客消除关联的邮件。大声账号会恢复运作了!
我们团队在过去24小时里也采取了多项加强信息安全的措施和内部评估。作为一个崭新小而美的团队,每个人都全力以赴希望贡献最高质量的内容,也在每个细节上体现“大声” 的宗旨-自由体面美。
**Updated Statement:** The "Dasheng" Twitter account @dashengmedia has been recovered from the hackers. X Support also helped reconnect the email that was disassociated by the hackers. The Dasheng account will resume operations!
Over the past 24 hours, our team has taken multiple measures to strengthen information security and conducted internal assessments. As a new, small but refined team, everyone is working tirelessly to contribute the highest quality content, reflecting the core values of "Dasheng"—freedom, dignity, and beauty—in every detail.
I am deeply grateful to friends who enthusiastically helped by sharing and showing concern. I cannot repay you, but we will continue to produce quality content and build the best free Chinese-language content community with like-minded people.