2006年12月27日,在首尔以北约55公里的韩朝非军事区板门店停战村,美国和韩国士兵护送一名朝鲜士兵(中)返回朝鲜。12 月 9 日,两名朝鲜士兵乘坐一艘小船在东海漂流,在东海被韩国海军舰艇救起,并于周三被遣返回国。(美联社照片)
U.S. and South Korean soldiers escort a North Korean soldier, center, to repatriate him to North Korea at the truce village of Panmunjom in the demilitarised zone separating the two Koreas, about 55 km (31 miles) north of Seoul, Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2006. Two North Korean soldiers who drifted on a small boat in the East Sea and rescued by South Korean Navy vessels in the East Sea on December 9, were repatriated on Wednesday. (AP Photo/Kim Kyung-Hoon, Pool)