- 撤销拜登时代的 78 项行政行动、命令和备忘录。
- 实施监管冻结,在完全控制政府之前暂停新法规。
- 冻结联邦招聘,军队和其他特定类别除外。
- 要求所有联邦工作人员立即恢复全职工作。
- 指示每个联邦部门和机构应对持续的生活成本危机。
- 退出《巴黎气候协定》,节省超过一万亿美元。
- 致信联合国,正式宣布美国退出《巴黎气候协定》。
- 恢复言论自由并防止政府审查言论自由。
- 结束将政府武器化对付上一届政府的政治对手。
BREAKING: Donald Trump just signed a wave of game-changing executive orders.
This includes:
- Rescinding 78 Biden-era executive actions, orders, and memoranda.
- Implementing a regulatory freeze to halt new regulations until full control of the government is achieved.
- Freezing federal hiring, with exceptions for the military and other specified categories.
- Requiring all federal workers to return to full-time in-person work immediately.
- Directing every federal department and agency to address the ongoing cost of living crisis.
- Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, saving over a trillion dollars.
- Sending a letter to the United Nations to formally announce the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.
- Restoring freedom of speech and preventing government censorship of free speech.
- Ending the weaponization of government against political adversaries of the previous administration.