WATCH: CNN explodes when @ScottJenningsKY asks two Democratic panelists how many of Joe Biden's staffers (who actually ran the country) were elected by voters, adding George Soros “collects your people like Pokemon cards”....
Jennings: “I'm sorry, can I — can I ask a question? Did Joe Biden have staff at the White House, and how many of those staff members were elected?”
Johnson: “— has a position that’s bigger than staff.”
Jennings: “Every president appoints people to do things for them.”
Johnson: “This is different from the chief of staff.”
Jennings: “To call him unelected is like —”
Johnson: “This is different from someone who has background in government.”
Jennings: “— the most naive and ridiculous talking point I've ever heard.”
Johnson: “Scott, I can't believe you would believe something like this, because if this was Joe Biden allowing for a billionaire —”
Jennings: “Allowing people who weren't elected —”
Johnson: “— who helped get him elected —”
Jennings: “— to run the country —”
Johnson: “— in the White House —”
Jennings: “— for the last four years? Yeah, I would believe that, actually.”
Johnson: “— you all would be throwing another coup like January 6.”
Blitzer: “I want —”
Jennings: “I would believe it if Joe Biden had unelected people running the government for the last — may — the last year, maybe the last four years? Yeah, I’d believe every word of it.”
Johnson: “You — you would be up in arms. Scott. You would —”
Jennings: “I was up in arms about it.”
Johnson: “— would literally be up in arms — you and your Republican members —”
NYT host Lulu Garcia-Navarro: “I think there’s a difference if — if it was George Soros —”
Johnson: “— would be up in arms about it.”
Garcia-Navarro: “— I think that the example is not obviously everyone has unelected people in — that they appoint. The difference is if it was George Soros —”
Blitzer: “— alright —”
Jennings: “George Soros does have influence over Democrats. He collects your people like Pokemon cards.”
Johnson: “He’s not in [inaudible] of me, Scott.”
Jennings: “He has influence over every single one of you.”
Blitzer: “— everybody, hold on — hold on — hold on. Everybody, hold on.”