【关 于 VOA 和 RFA 的 公 开 信】
王安娜 光传媒创办人
胡平 民主人士
吴绍平 人权律师
王乔志 公民
方正 民主人士
盛雪 民主人士
苏晓康 独立作家
杜文 欧洲媒体人
蔡慎坤 媒体人
张杰 媒体人
魏水平 人权律师
李酉谭 台湾学者
冯崇义 澳洲学者
【Open Letter Concerning VOA and RFA】
Dear Honorable President Trump,
We are overseas democratic activists opposing the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Recently, the government’s decision to terminate funding for the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), including Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA), has resulted in the suspension of their operations. This will have a catastrophic impact on efforts to counter the CCP’s ideological expansion in mainland China, Hong Kong, and across the globe.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regards ideology as one of its lifelines, using the media as a tool for brainwashing propaganda and a “crucial stronghold.” It invests vast sums in shaping public opinion, attempting to mislead people and governments worldwide into accepting its false narratives about the United States and the civilized world.
In the strategic battle to oppose the CCP’s export of its ideology and the so-called “China model,” media outlets such as Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA) have proven highly effective over the past decades. They have delivered vital news coverage to audiences worldwide, promoted democratic values, exposed the persecution of citizens—particularly protesters—by authoritarian regimes, heightened public awareness of democracy, and inspired courage in people to resist oppressive totalitarian governance. These outlets have played an active and significant role in countering the export strategies of authoritarian dictatorships. VOA and RFA have also become key components and symbols of America’s soft power.
The Chinese Communist Party stands as the world’s largest reactionary political fortress and a source of much global political unrest. It oppresses its people domestically while undermining the global democratic order. As its economic strength grows, it poses a major threat to the Western democratic alliance led by the United States. Through infiltration, propaganda, and cultural expansion, the CCP seeks to destabilize the free world system centered on America. Against this backdrop, VOA and RFA bear a critical mission as frontline defenses against the CCP. By disseminating accurate information, they expose CCP lies, inspire oppressed populations, bolster global anti-communist forces, safeguard the interests of the United States and its allies, and continue to strengthen their vital roles—rather than being diminished or shuttered.
As persistent thorns in the CCP’s side, VOA and RFA have long been targets of infiltration, sabotage, and influence by the CCP—a reflection of its inherent drive to dominate the world and oppose democracy. Therefore, we hope that instead of termination, these outlets can be restructured and reborn from the ashes to continue fulfilling their historic mission of confronting the CCP and defending democracy.
Lastly, we wholeheartedly thank the United States and both political parties for their longstanding support and assistance to the Chinese people in resisting CCP tyranny, including through VOA and RFA’s broadcasts to China. We hope this administration will launch a vigorous counteroffensive in every domain and aspect of the public opinion and ideological war against the CCP, thwarting its expansion and advancing China’s democratization. Only a democratic China can be a friend to the United States and the civilized world, contributing constructively to human civilization.
March 18, 2025
Wang Anna – Founder of Guang Media
Hu Ping – Democratic Activist
Wu Shaoping – Human Rights Lawyer
Wang Qiaozhi – Citizen
Fang Zheng
Co-signers: Open globally, welcoming participation (Email: ipkmediatg@gmail.com)
Zhang Jie – Media Professional
Wei Shuiping – Human Rights Lawyer
Li Youtan – Taiwanese Scholar【